Avenues of Service
Rose Day
Our members sell and distribute roses to people in the area during the second week in November. It is our largest fundraiser and has enabled our club to expand the size and number of scholarships and contributions to local and international projects.
International Service
Latin American Projects
Our club sponsors several projects each year to provide medical and dental care in Bolivia and Nicaragua. Often high school students are partially sponsored to join these groups providing these services. Currently, our club is joining with several other clubs to build a water well and distribution system for two remote villages in Bolivia.
Chippewa Falls Rotary Partnered with Rotary Tunari
Foreign Student Exchange Program
On alternate years the club sponsors one student to travel abroad to study in a foreign country for one year and on the other years sponsors a student from a foreign country to live and study in Chippewa Falls.
Vocational Service
Our club annually awards four college scholarships and a scholarship to the Chippewa Valley Technical College. We also give numerous other scholarships to local students. Our club invites one student from each high school to participate in our weekly meetings as a youth Rotar.
Community Service
Our club supports various community organizations and local projects.